My Library

Mar 20, 2024 | Resources | 2 comments

Welcome to my library!

Here I collect documents that might be of interest to my constituents. Included are the Idaho Republican Party platform, the Idaho Blue Book, and the Idaho Constitution. New items are shelved as we find them. If you have suggestions on others, please leave a comment:

Reading a book works best using a tablet, computer, or other large screen device. If you are reading using a phone, just close the table of contents for a better reading experience.

National GOP Platform
Idaho Constitution
Idaho Republican Platform
Idaho Blue Book
Executive-Orders: The American Presidency Project
Idaho Occupational and Wage Survey 2023
Idaho Economy at a Glance
A Post Roe Idaho
Kootenai Needs Assessment

other web Resources

The articles below are carefully selected to provide valuable insights into the diverse challenges faced by our community in North Idaho. Whether it’s about assistance, preserving our natural resources, promoting sustainable living, or fostering inclusivity, my aim is to inform and inspire. Explore the link library to discover thought-provoking content and explore different perspectives. Together, we can create a brighter future for North Idaho