Fresh perspective, traditional values

As your Senator, I would like to provide a new set of eyes and examine the current issues affecting us in our State. We don’t need to go down a path of voter apathy or extremism. Extreme views alienate our friends and family. Let’s get back to the practice of looking at and respecting all points of view. We are all part of a community and community is important.  I will work for ALL the people of Idaho and will focus on bettering the lives of ALL Idahoans.

My family has been in Idaho since it’s statehood. After I completed my Family Medicine residency, I returned to my Idaho home. That’s been over three decades now. I was delighted the people of North Idaho had maintained their value of community. We are conservative, hardworking, honest people who value individual liberty and freedoms. Sadly, today I fear our community is losing much of what it means to live freely as an Idahoan.

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