My Top Priorities

May 15, 2024 | Legislative priorities | 2 comments

My Top 3 Priorities for the 2025 Legislative Session:

  1. Property tax reduction – I want to introduce legislation that will help everyday Idahoans. Our rising housing prices are affecting all our residents. I will work diligently to reduce property taxes as well as other taxes impacting all Idahoans.
  2. Housing crisis – we need to work together to make sure we don’t push out our kids and young families. Idaho is a beautiful state with all kinds of outdoor opportunities. Newer residents have flocked to our state and have been buying up homes. Now private equity firms or hedge fund companies have discovered our area and have contributed to taking single family homes off the market. Five years ago, 75% of our average wage earners could afford to purchase their own home. Now, 75% cannot. This problem is not going to go away. We must look at our resources and may have to legislatively find solutions to this very pressing problem. It’s important to keep our kids and other family members here.
  3. Public education – we need to take a hard look at how Idaho funds K-12 and find better ways to cover supplemental (bond or levy) needs. Schools are being stressed by the rising populations as well as the cost of doing business. Idaho schools have been underfunded for too long. We need to fix this and create a more equitable system.

Do you think the my top priorities should be different? Voice your opinion by taking this 2-minute survey to let me know what YOU think I should be focusing on.

Kootenai County housing

Private equity and hedge funds buying homes in Idaho

Worker housing