Voting Rights and Federal Reserve

Mar 11, 2024 | Resources | 0 comments

Idaho Republican Party Platform

As as your representative I am interested in hearing from YOU how you feel about parts of the Idaho GOP platform.

Article 1: Responsibility in Government

Section 3: Reform of Congress. In particular let’s talk about item C: “We support restoration of the constitution’s checks and balances that protects the rights and sovereignty of the states by repealing the 17th amendment.” The 17th amendment gave citizens the right to VOTE for their congressional Senators. I have been to too many meetings where citizens have vocally spoken against having any of their voting rights taken away. I cannot support this portion of the GOP platform. Citizens deserve the right to vote.

Section 4:  Sound Currency. Item A: There is a lot to disagree with here. First – our dollar is sound. Second – abolishing the Federal Reserve would throw our economy into chaos. Third – inflation is not a hidden taxation. Inflation is a market issue and the consequence of supply, demand, and greed. It would be nice to hear from our economic experts on all of the real consequences of this entire piece of the GOP platform.

Do you agree with me or not?

Please speak up
What are your thoughts?x